1st Molar Project

We are dentists mainly operating in Vietnam.
Our goal is to popularize preventive dentistry to prevent cavities and gingivitis in children and periodontal disease in adults.
The purpose of our activities is not only to treat diseases, but also to spread knowledge about disease prevention and increase the number of healthy people.
1st Molar refers to the 6-year molars, or first molars, that emerge at the age of 6.
These teeth are the most important teeth as they have the most influence on your bite and tooth alignment.
Whether 1st Molar gets cavities or not has a big impact on children’s growth.
We are working to convey that protecting the 1st Molar, which is the first thing that emerges, will help protect people’s teeth.
To prevent cavities in children, it is important to teach them why cavities occur and to develop habits that prevent cavities. We hold workshops, teach the correct knowledge through games and quizzes, and use dental models to teach the correct way to brush teeth.
We teach adults how to prevent not only tooth decay but also periodontal disease.
Tooth decay, gingivitis, and periodontal disease are often thought of as mild illnesses, but they are actually diseases that affect the entire human body. For example, bacteria that cause tooth decay and periodontal disease are associated with brain and heart diseases, and early tooth loss.
Its effects, such as shortening healthy life expectancy, cannot be ignored.
Tooth decay and periodontal disease can be prevented by brushing your teeth daily and seeing your dentist regularly.
We are an organization that spreads knowledge about preventive dentistry and contributes to maintaining people’s health.
Pictures of Activites